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Melrose Road Will Close at South Umpqua River for One Week Starting August 25

4:13 PM · Aug 16, 2022

Starting Thursday morning, August 25, Melrose Road will close for about one week at the South Umpqua River as the Conn Ford Bridge replacement project begins a new phase. During the closure, traffic from the Melrose area will detour onto Old Melrose Road, Harvard Avenue, Stewart Parkway and Garden Valley Boulevard. Motorists are advised to slow down and drive with caution along the detour route. This closure will allow prime contractor Farline Bridge Inc. to finish building a temporary bypass bridge located next to the Conn Ford Bridge. When Melrose Road opens on Sept. 2, portable signals will provide traffic control at each end of the bypass bridge. The work zone speed limit has been reduced to 35 mph. In early September, workers will begin removing the old Conn Ford Bridge so the new one can be built in its place. The project is scheduled for completion in summer 2024. A one-week closure of Melrose Road had been scheduled in early August but was postponed to give the contractor more time to construct the vertical supports of the bypass bridge. The Conn Ford Bridge was built in 1964 and has reached the end of its design life. The new bridge will have two travel lanes and wide shoulders for pedestrians and bicyclists. ADA access will be provided across the bridge. ODOT is partnering with Douglas County on this $22.6 million two-project bundle, which will also replace the Old Highway 99 Bridge in Oakland. For more information, visit the project website at www.MelroseBridge.com or contact ODOT Public Information Officer Dan Latham at Dan.Latham@odot.oregon.gov or 541-817-5200. Questions can also be directed Douglas County Public Information Officer Tamara Howell at 541-957-4896 or tjhowell@co.douglas.or.us. Via ODOT