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Douglas County Honors Volunteer Louise Christensen

9:43 PM · Jan 14, 2022

They call her the “Queen of the Kitchen”, and at 93, it is a title that has been well- earned by Douglas County Senior Dining Site Volunteer, Louise Christensen. For the last 19 years, she has faithfully volunteered at the senior dining site in Sutherlin; preparing, packaging and serving meals for seniors in her community. On Thursday, January 13, 2022, Douglas County Senior Services Food Coordinator, Darla Hilburn presented Louise with a 19-year service award, and extended a sincere appreciation on behalf of the County and our Board of Commissioners for her outstanding service to our senior meals program. “Words cannot even begin to express my sincere gratitude for all the work our senior volunteers provide at our Senior Dining Sites, and to be able to say thank you to volunteers that dedicate nearly two decades of service is beyond measure. Thank you, Louise, for all you do for our most precious residents. It is my honor to recognize your 19-years of service!” commented Commissioner Tom Kress. Louise has performed nearly every volunteer job available at the Sutherlin dining site, and says that her volunteer work gets her out of bed and keeps her busy. Louise moved to Sutherlin in 2003, and immediately began giving back to her community by volunteering her time at the Sutherlin senior dining site, and over the years has also volunteered at St. Vincent DePaul and St. Francis Catholic Church in Sutherlin. Prior to becoming a Douglas County resident, she spent a career working as a grader, building wooden produce slats at a production company in Gold Beach, Oregon. “My favorite memories at our dining site over the years are all the wonderful parades we hosted. Our staff would dress up in costumes then parade and dance through the hall celebrating birthdays, Easter, Christmas and all the holidays with our guests,” stated Louise Christensen. The Sutherlin Senior Dining Site has 12 volunteers and prepares about 100 meals per day on Tuesdays and Thursdays for both the curbside pick-up service and the Meals on Wheels delivery service. They also prepare another 50 meals on Fridays for the curbside pick-up service. The Sutherlin Senior Dining Site Volunteer Coordinator, Victoria Kietzman calls Louise, “an amazing person”. Remarking that, “She is 93, and she is always smiling and incredibly agile in the kitchen. Louise has the uncanny ability to take one look at the containers of prepared food and tell us exactly how many servings we will be able to get out of each container. We are so thankful to have her here with us.” Douglas County Senior Services operates seven senior dining sites in rural Douglas County in Glendale, Glide, Riddle, Reedsport, Sutherlin, Winston and Yoncalla. They provide about 73,000 meals a year to seniors in Douglas county. For more information about our Douglas County Senior Dining sites, Meals on Wheels programs or to volunteer, contact Douglas County Senior Services at (541) 440-3677. Volunteers truly are the heart and soul of many local organizations, and the invaluable services they selflessly provide to our residents are a vital resource for those they serve. We encourage all of our residents to look for ways to give back to our communities by volunteering your time or talents to a local group or organization. Via Douglas County Government