Roseburg School District Bringing K-3rd Graders Back to In-Person Classes
1:54 AM · Sep 24, 2020Roseburg School District is planning on bringing students up to 3rd grade back to in-person classes starting on October 5th as long as metrics continue to be met. Even though cases have increased in Douglas County, the district currently still meets the State required metrics to reopen. There is also a rolling soft-start for kindergartners that will begin Monday, Sept. 28. Half of the kindergarten students will come to school Monday and the other half on Wednesday. 8:45-1:00. Also, the Roseburg School District is giving families the choice of whether or not to return to in-person classes. About 223 families across K-3 have indicated a preference to remain remote. This averages about 14-15% of students at each school that are opting to remain in remote learning. Metrics for K-3 are still being met in Douglas County to reopen in-person classes, but not for Grades 4-5. On the school district website, the plan for students in grades 4-12 are as follows: "For students in grades 4-12, we plan to reopen on November 2, 2020, if the public health metrics are met. Students in fourth and fifth grade will return to full-time, in-classroom learning. Students in grade 6-12 will begin a hybrid model (mix of remote and in-person learning). The November 2, 2020 date aligns to the end of the first quarter."