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Sutherlin Update: Level 2 Notice Issued For More Residents

3:52 PM · Sep 9, 2020

(DCSO) SUTHERLIN, Ore. - Level 2 "Be Set" Notice for all residents living on the south side of Nonpareil Road from Plat K Road east to Banks Creek. This includes Fraser Canyon and all other side streets to the east to Banks Creek. Level 2 or "Be Set" means: • This level indicates significant danger to your area and are encouraged to leave. If you decide to stay, be ready to evacuate at a moment's notice • This may be the only notice you receive if conditions worsen • Supply your "go kit" with all the essentials to last 2 weeks • Stay connected with emergency information and evacuation routes • Begin evacuating large animals. The Sheriff's Office is working closely with county and fire officials and will provide additional details as they become available.