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Fledging Crow Rescued in Roseburg Tuesday

4:49 AM ยท Jun 3, 2020

This is a little fledging crow that we picked up from our friends house this afternoon. It got caught by a dog and at least has a broken wing. It was a sad scene when we showed up as the mama crow was being very protective of it and warning it as we approached. It's now with Charnelle, one of the Umpqua Wildlife Rescue rehabbers. It will be on some pain meds and fluids tonight and hopefully get an x-ray soon and it's wing fixed up. Crows have very tight knit family structures. The crow parents raise their young and then those young will hang around the nest for 4-5 years and those younger crows will even help raise the next generation. Eventually, they will go off and start their own family. They are also very smart. If you ever come across an injured crow, please message me or call Umpqua Wildlife Rescue and we will get it picked up and rehabbed. Also, update on the last duck we rescued from the Duck Pond that had bumble foot. It was successfully rehabbed and released back into the wild. ๐Ÿฆ†๐Ÿ‘