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Kruse Farms Opening For the 2020 Season

2:48 AM · May 21, 2020

Kruse Farms is set to open Thursday for the 2020 season. The market and bakery will be opening on Thursday and U-pick strawberries will open to the public this Friday. The opening was delayed a few weeks because of the pandemic. Kruse Farms was founded in 1923 and has operated the market out towards Melrose since the late 1980’s. The farm is now co-owned by Evan Kruse, Karen Corpron and Jeff Kruse. The start of the season is a rewarding time of the year for Evan Kruse, who I met up with this afternoon. “It's nice to start seeing people enjoy what we've grown. It is an extremely busy time of year with planting, hay season and harvest going on all at once, but luckily there is a lot of daylight.” Kruse said. There will be a few minor changes this year to the market and u-pick operations. The changes at the market are similar to what grocery stores have implemented. For u-pick, customers will need to wash their hands before entering the field and bring their own containers from home. Also, the Oregon Department of Agriculture is prohibiting the eating of fruit in the field and pickers will need to maintain proper distancing from each other. Another new requirement this year is that a Kruse Farms employee must be present for the public to u-pick. Pets will not be allowed to be in the u-pick fields as part of the “food safety modernization act” that went into effect last year. Asked what he looks forward to the most in the coming season, Kruse said a little bit of everything. “I look forward to each crop we grow finally being ripe. It starts with strawberries, ends with carrots, and there is so much tasty stuff in between. On one hand, I really enjoy eating it myself, but it is always so rewarding to share it with people from my own community.” “Some customers would probably say the correct answer is 'pie,' however.” Kruse added. Early season hours will be: Wednesday to Saturday 9 to 6. Sunday 9 to 5 However, they will be open on Memorial Day from 9-6 U-pick is Wednesday through Saturday from 8 until 2. U-pick is 3/4 mile down Quail Lane across from the Country Club. Both the market and u-pick will be closed Monday and Tuesday.