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All Oregon K-12 Schools to Close Statewide Monday March 16th

5:36 AM · Mar 13, 2020

Gov. Kate Brown ordered all K-12 schools in Oregon to close from Monday, March 16 through Tuesday, March 31 because of the coronavirus outbreak. The governor’s statement: “Schools are critical institutions that provide important services for all our students, but especially our most vulnerable, and during this crisis I have worked hard to ensure those critical services continue. So many of our families depend on school in order for parents to go to their jobs, and for students to access health care and receive nutrition assistance,” said Governor Brown. “However, I have heard from superintendents, school board members, teachers, parents, and students that it has now become impossible to functionally operate schools due to workforce issues and student absences. Schools are experiencing critical shortages in staff, and superintendents are concerned for school personnel who are at elevated risk such as those over age 60 and those with underlying medical issues. “I want to be very clear: sending Oregon children home will not stop the spread of the coronavirus. While children are home, when at all possible, they should not be in the care of older adults or those with underlying health issues that are most at-risk from COVID-19. “This is a trying time for our community and I am reluctant to increase the burden on families who are already struggling to adapt to and stay healthy during this crisis. However, we are left with little choice in light of school districts’ staff capacity and operational concerns. I want to thank all of the teachers and school employees who have worked hard to keep our schools open until now.” Other Oregon News for Thursday 6 new Coronavirus cases were announced today at the Lebanon Veterans home. This care facility in Linn County now has a total to 8 cases. 3 other cases were announced earlier in the day. 1 in Clackamas County and 2 in Washington County. Oregon now has discovered a total of 30 cases statewide. Cases are expected to climb rapidly across the State in the days to come.