Stewart Park Natural Area & Skate Park Work Day Set for Saturday, September 16
Our next volunteer event is going to be this next Saturday, September 16th from 8am until 12 noon over at the Stewart Park Natural Area and Skate Park. The work project is the inaugural event for the Tracker Foundation, a local 501 (C)(3) non-profit we started this past year to work on community benefit projects in the Roseburg area. It’s been a lot of work getting to this point but we are finally all set up and excited to get started. Some of the work we plan on doing around the Stewart Park Natural Area and Skate Park includes noxious weed removal, pruning to improve the line of sight and sense of safety, litter cleanup, graffiti removal, and more. Our overall goal is to restore the habitat of the area to a healthy state, including stopping soil erosion into the ponds and planting trees, shrubs, and native grasses. We want to get rid of all the invasive weeds and invasive plants around the ponds and natural areas as well. We aim to transform this beautiful place into a haven where families, kids, and the community can always feel secure and welcome. Kids are welcome at this event with their parents! Teenagers can come volunteer without parents being there but there is a waiver that would need to be signed by a parent or guardian. Some of the jobs include picking up litter around the area, pulling weeds, cutting invasive plants and blackberry bushes, and throwing them in a dumpster. There will also be a few graffiti painting projects. We will be providing some breakfast-type snacks and drinks for the volunteers. What to Bring: Work gloves would be helpful, especially if pruning or pulling weeds. There is lots of work to be done with loppers and pruners if you have them and would like to help in that way. We have one big gorilla cart and a few brute garbage cans to transport brush to the dumpster but could use a few more if anyone has them. We have some extra pruners if someone doesn’t have them. We also have lots of trash grabbers and we’ll provide trash bags. Look forward to seeing many of you!