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Source One Serenity to Host Trail Maintenance at Mildred Kanipe Memorial Park

Source One Serenity is organizing a work day out at Mildred Kanipe Memorial Park this Saturday, February 10th at 9 am. Here is the full announcement from Source One Serenity: Trail Work at Mildred Kanipe Memorial Park Join us on Saturday, February 10, 2024 for a day of trail maintenance at the county park in close proximity to Roseburg, in collaboration with the Friends of Mildred Kanipe Memorial Park. Date: Saturday, February 10th Meeting Point: Mildred Kanipe CAMPGROUND Directions Time: 9:00 AM Work Details: Brushing and tread work. Refreshments: We will provide and cook hotdogs when work concludes at 2 pm. But please bring your own snacks and water to have during the trail work. Tools and PPE will be provided, but please bring your own gloves. RSVP to