Roseburg Kids Can Earn Free Burgers Through Reading Program
ROSEBURG, Ore. – The Roseburg Public Library is offering children aged 4 to 12 a chance to earn free burgers from In-N-Out Burger through its “Cover to Cover Club” program, running now until April 12. A library card is not required to join. To participate, kids can read five books or log five hours (300 minutes) of reading to earn a coupon for a free hamburger or cheeseburger. Reading logs are available at the library, located at 1409 NE Diamond Lake Blvd. Parents or children can track the number of books or minutes read, including time spent reading aloud together. Once a milestone is reached, participants can return their logs to the library’s front desk to receive a gift card. Kids can earn up to three burgers by completing multiple reading logs. School groups interested in participating can email to coordinate with staff. The program aims to encourage reading for fun while rewarding young readers with a tasty incentive.