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Roseburg Disposal Providing Free Christmas Tree Drop-Off Boxes in Roseburg

Roseburg Disposal is offering free Christmas Tree drop-off boxes around Roseburg from December 26 through January 8th. Here are the details of the program from Roseburg Disposal: "We at Roseburg Disposal are thrilled to announce that we are continuing our Christmas tradition of collecting Christmas trees for free and are happy to offer this service as our gift to the community. Special thanks to the Douglas County Landfill offering free disposal of them. Roseburg Disposal Co. is providing free Christmas tree drop-off boxes in the following locations: Legion Field Kline St in front of Hucrest School Corner of Calkins Rd & Cherry St. Totem Market in Winchester Sherm’s Thunderbird Parking Lot Abby’s Pizza on Diamond Lake Blvd (SW corner of parking lot) Former Umpqua Auction (1028 NE Stephens) Rose Street by the old Safeway Redeemer’s Cinema Parking Lot (3041 W. Harvard) IMPORTANT: PLEASE HELP US CONTINUE OFFERING THIS FREE SERVICE BY NOT PUTTING GARBAGE IN THESE BOXES. THE TREES WILL BE RECYCLED INTO MULCH. NO: ornaments, flocking, lights, plastic bags, stands, doggy doo doo, or other refuse. There will be a $15.00 charge for trees that are picked up at your home or office. The trees must be cut into 4 foot or shorter lengths for pick-up." Via Roseburg Disposal Release Photos by Elijah Finlay