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Parking Violations from Halloween Night Being Dismissed

7:23 PM · Nov 4, 2019

(RPD) The Roseburg Police Department would like to apologize for some miscommunication that occurred on Halloween, which led to numerous people being issued parking citations on Keasey Avenue in Roseburg during the evening hours when families were trick or treating. We take all complaints from our community seriously, but we also understand there are special occasions when we can use discretion when handling minor issues. On that evening we did receive some complaints regarding people parking on Keasey Avenue and blocking the bicycle lane. Based on those complaints one of our police volunteers issued numerous parking citations in that area. Although it is a parking violation to block a bicycle lane, we also understand there is a large draw during Halloween night for families to trick or treat in that area, especially with activities that occur on nearby Domenico Street and draw a larger than normal amount of people to the area. Furthermore, there aren't any close parking lots that can accommodate that many people on that evening, so few people have options for parking. There were no blockages of traffic and emergency personnel and equipment still could have passed through the area without a problem. We strongly encourage people to abide by all parking laws, but as stated earlier, there are some circumstances that warrant discretion. All of the parking citations that were issued that evening on Keasey have been dismissed. If anyone would like to contact us to discuss this further, please contact me at rpdpio@cityofroseburg.org Thank you!