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ODOT Seeking Community Input on OR 138 Design Concept Plan

ODOT seeks community representatives who reside, work or travel in the study area to participate in two focus group-style subcommittees (identified below) to identify transportation barriers and future opportunities. You may qualify for a financial stipend paying $25 per hour for your paid participation. Eligible participants include: Youth, seniors or people with disabilities, low-income and working families, people of an ethnic or racial minority: Intended for people who live along and rely on the corridor for their primary transportation needs. Business owners, property owners, developers: Intended for people who own property or a business within the study area. Please contact Thomas Guevara Jr., ODOT Senior Transportation Planner/Agency Project Manager at 541-957-3692 or for more information and required forms to see if you qualify for a stipend through ODOT’s Equitable Engagement Compensation Program (EECP). The Plan’s Purpose and Benefits We’re creating an actionable plan to better serve the people who live, visit and travel along the OR 138E corridor. The Plan will: Identify safety and mobility improvements for the 3.5-mile stretch of Diamond Lake Boulevard, including the highway, connecting routes and parallel roadways Create a blueprint for planning future growth consistent with safe and reliable travel options for the corridor’s residents Provide safe, comfortable, and accessible travel options for people who walk, bike, roll and drive along the corridor to downtown Roseburg and other areas Improve connections to popular destinations and paths, such as the Umpqua River Trail Project Area The project area along Diamond Lake Boulevard/OR 138E stretches from SE Douglas Avenue east to Roseburg’s eastern urban growth boundary (UGB) near Sunshine Park. Note: Diamond Lake Boulevard becomes North Umpqua Highway east of NE Patterson Street; both “Diamond Lake Boulevard” and “North Umpqua Highway” refer to OR 138E. More information on the project can be found on the City of Roseburg website at: