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Level 2 'Be Set' Warning Issued For Diamond Lake Campground Areas

The #TrailFire at Diamond Lake in Douglas County, OR has resulted in the implementation of Evacuation Levels. LEVEL 3 - GO NOW! Pacific Crest Trail is closed from the Intersection of Highway 138 East at the "North Crater Trailhead" (southern closure point) to the intersection with the USFS Maidu Lake Trail #1446 (northern closure point) near Miller Lake. USFS North Crater Trail #1410 USFS Summit Rock / Crater Trail #1457 USFS Mt. Thielsen Trail #1456 USFS Spruce Ridge Trail #1458 USFS Howlock Mountain Trail #1448 USFS Thielsen Creek Trail #1449 A LEVEL 3 - GO NOW EVACUATION NOTICE means to LEAVE IMMEDIATELY! Danger to the area is current or imminent and you should evacuate immediately. If you choose to ignore this advisement, you must understand that emergency services may not be able to assist you further. DO NOT delay leaving to gather any belongings or make efforts to protect your belongings. THIS WILL BE THE LAST NOTICE YOU RECEIVE. LEVEL 2 - BE SET Diamond Lake Horse Corrals Diamond Lake Campground (east side of the lake) -ALL 238 sites, ALL Loops: A, B, C, D, E, G, H, K, L, & M Diamond Lake RV Park- ALL 110 sites NOT AFFECTED AT THIS TIME : Thielsen View Campground, Broken Arrow Campground, South Shore Picnic Area, Diamond Lake Resort A LEVEL 2 - BE SET EVACUATION NOTICE means YOU MUST PREPARE TO LEAVE AT A MOMENTS NOTICE. This level indicates there is significant danger to your area, and you should either voluntarily relocate to a shelter or with family/friends outside of the affected area, or if choosing to remain, to be ready to evacuate at a moment's notice. You MAY have time to gather necessary items, but doing so is at your own risk. THIS MAY BE THE ONLY NOTICE YOU RECEIVE. Emergency services cannot guarantee that they will be able to notify you if conditions rapidly deteriorate. Current evacuation levels can be found on the interactive map located at