Dixon Fire Aug 13th: Night Crews Make Significant Progress on Control Lines
DAYS CREEK, Ore. - Gusty afternoon winds increased fire activity and crews worked into the evening to hold the fire within control lines. Overnight, crews took advantage of more moderate conditions to complete additional line ahead of the fire, mop up around structures and establish additional water supply locations. There was one home destroyed on Saturday, during the initial phase of the fire. Evaluation of additional structure loss is ongoing, which includes outbuildings, shops, shed, barns, etc. Protection remains in place for properties impacted by the fire. Today, crews will capitalize on the work completed last night, securing and holding established line, mopping up hot spots, and completing additional contingency work. Air assets are expected to be used extensively throughout the day, with heavy and frequent drops. Please be aware of aircraft working in the area and stay clear. Specialized resources, called falling modules, will be removing hazardous trees and debris along Tiller Trail Highway. This may cause extended delays between milepost 26 (junction of South Umpqua Road and Tiller Trail Highway) and milepost 32 (near the community of Drew). Please use caution when entering this area. There will be a community meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, August 14th at 7pm at the South Umpqua Community Church. Address: 27292 Tiller Trail Hwy, Days Creek, OR 97429 FIRE AT A GLANCE Estimated Size: 1,997 (IR) Containment: 0% Cause: Undetermined Estimated Cost: $1,600,000 Evacuations Level 3: 18 structures Level 2: 13 structures Level 1: 18 structures Resources Total Personnel: 519 Hand Crews: 113 Engines: 37 Water Tenders: 9 Dozers: 7 Helicopters: Type 1: 4 Type 2: 6 Type 3: 2 Evacuations: Evacuation levels are managed by the Douglas County Sheriff and were updated this morning. Please stay up to date here: https://www.dcso.com/270/Evacuations The official Red Cross shelter is now at: Days Creek Charter School 11381 Tiller Trail Hwy, Days Creek, OR 97429 This new location was established to better meet the needs of community members. Forest Closures: There is a forest closure in place. Order: https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/fseprd1200029.pdf Map: https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/fseprd1200030.pdf Smoke outlook: A smoke condition warning has been issued for the immediate area. For updates check: https://fire.airnow.gov/# Via Incident Command