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District Funds New Finlay Field Lights Through Energy-Efficiency Grants

Students and spectators gathering at Roseburg High School's Finlay Field for games and performances this school year may notice a surge in school spirit thanks to a new energy-efficient lighting system. The new lights at Finlay Field were installed in August and provide several benefits to the previous, outdated system. Not only are the new lights energy efficient, the directional design reduces excessive light cast into surrounding areas, including the Laurelwood neighborhood. In addition, the lighting can be programmed with effects and music coordination for celebrations and half-time shows. "The kids have been pretty excited about them," said RHS Head Football Coach Matt Watson. "They feel it brings a lot more energy to the game. More exciting and it lets everyone know we just scored." The system, purchased from and installed by Musco Sports Lighting, was funded entirely through grant funding. The bill totaled about $300,000 and was paid through energy efficiency grants from the Energy Trust of Oregon and the Oregon Department of Energy, as well as funding from the Student Success Act. The new system includes 28 new lights, four steel poles and bases, and control and monitoring systems. The system is covered by a 25-year warranty that includes materials and maintenance costs. "It was a great experience working with Musco," said Cheryl Northam, district Director of Finance and Operations. "They were able to complete the project early and ensured we had the system up and running for the first home football game of the season in September." With limited funding available for facilities upgrades, Roseburg Public Schools continues to apply for grants to support important building and safety projects. Seeking out funding opportunities and maximizing district resources aligns with the district's Strategic Plan focus of ensuring effective operations to best serve students. The district, for example, used ESSER (Covid relief) funds to install perimeter fencing around school campuses and renovate school offices into secure vestibules. These efforts were completed to better control access to schools and classrooms to protect against possible threats. Additionally, the district has applied for and received more than $18 million in grant funding over the past 10 years from the Oregon Seismic Rehabilitation Grant Program. Most recently, work has taken place to seismically strengthen the multipurpose room and library at Winchester Elementary School to both life safety and immediate occupancy standards. Another recent grant award will provide nearly $2.5 million in funding to update seismic standards at the RHS Vo-Tech East building that houses most of the school's Career and Technical Education programs. On Sept. 24, the district was notified that it is in line to receive $1.2 million in grant funds through the Renew America's Schools program. This funding will be used to improve HVAC systems at Joseph Lane Middle School and Eastwood Elementary School. So far, the new light system at Finlay has been hit with RHS band students as well. Band Director Branden Hansen said the new system keeps the lighting concentrated on the field as students practice late into the evening. "They think it's pretty spectacular," Hansen said of his band students. "We are looking forward to integrating them into our field shows and performances in the future." Via Roseburg Public Schools