Cards of Compassion
A few days ago, someone reached out to let me know about an individual in our community that has been going through a really rough time recently. After hearing a little bit about the situation, I think it’s a great opportunity for us to care for and encourage a hard-working member of our community. So, we are going to bless this person this Christmas, and if anyone else would like to join us, that would be awesome! We are thinking gift cards would be best, for local grocery stores, gas cards, local restaurants, local farm stores, or a card to a local arts/crafts store. I reached out to Kyle Kipperman over at Video Games Plus here in Roseburg and he loved the idea and said his store could be the drop-off location for the gift cards. You can drop the cards off at the counter and just mention “Cards of Compassion”. We will collect all the cards at the end of the day on Wednesday, December 20th. We will not be disclosing who the recipient is at any point. I’ve had times in my life when things were tough. It’s really hard to ask for help. I also will never forget when people showed me great kindness during some of those times. It’s a great blessing to be able to extend the same kindness to others. Remember, a small gesture or act of kindness can have a very big impact on someone’s life. Merry Christmas everyone!