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Western Kingbird Nest

8:37 PM · Jun 21, 2023

Its been fun watching this pair of Western Kingbirds raising their young over the past few weeks! The Western Kingbird is a medium-sized songbird found in the western regions of North America. These birds inhabit open grasslands, scrublands, and riparian areas, often perching on fences, poles, or tree branches to survey their surroundings. They have a distinctive appearance with a grayish-olive back, pale yellow belly, and a black tail with white outer feathers. The Western Kingbird is known for its assertive and aggressive behavior, often chasing away larger birds to defend its territory. When it comes to their diet, Western Kingbirds are primarily insectivorous. They feed on a wide variety of insects, including beetles, grasshoppers, flies, and bees, which they catch in mid-air or pluck from the ground. They are also known to consume small fruits and berries on occasion. These birds are adept aerial hunters, skillfully maneuvering through the air to snatch their prey. Their diet enables them to thrive in open habitats, where insects are abundant. For nesting, Western Kingbirds construct their nests in trees, shrubs, or man-made structures such as fence posts and utility poles. They often choose elevated locations that provide a good vantage point for spotting potential threats. The nest is cup-shaped and constructed from a variety of materials, including twigs, grass, bark, and root fibers. Both male and female birds participate in nest-building activities. Western Kingbirds are fiercely protective of their nests and will aggressively defend them against intruders, including larger birds or mammals. These birds typically lay a clutch of 3-5 eggs, which are incubated by both parents for about two weeks until they hatch.