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HealTerra: Empowering Veterans & Nurturing Soil with Vermicomposting

HealTerra, a social enterprise of Source One Serenity, a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, is on a mission to empower veterans to reclaim their sense of purpose through outdoor activities and land stewardship. Founded in 2016, Source One Serenity initially focused on organizing outdoor camping retreats involving fly fishing and hiking for veterans. The demand for such activities among the veteran community was undeniable, but the challenge of securing sustainable funding persisted. In 2017, a post-9/11 veteran shared his vermicomposting venture in Colorado, inspiring the creation of HealTerra. Vermicomposting is an eco-friendly process that turns food waste into nutrient-rich fertilizer called vermicompost or worm castings. This sustainable soil amendment is an alternative to synthetic fertilizers, and its production offers an ideal employment environment for veterans. HealTerra began a test phase in November 2017, using worms and a small bin. Since then, it has collected over 12 tons of food waste and harvested more than 25 cubic yards of soil amendment. By offering compost and worm castings to the community, HealTerra aims to fund outdoor recreation and purpose-driven trail stewardship programs for veterans. Every penny generated from sales goes back to these programs. HealTerra is proud to bear The Homegrown By Heroes label, a testament to its commitment to empowering veterans and promoting sustainable agriculture. The social enterprise's composting facility, featuring a worm digester, sources food waste from the Roseburg VA Medical Center, Fir Grove Elementary School, and Wolf Creek Job Corps. This collaboration highlights HealTerra's dedication to connecting different demographics and providing a locally sourced solution for gardening and farming in rural communities. HealTerra's products are available in retail stores in Roseburg, can be pre-ordered online for pickup at Rainbow Kitchen, and come in bulk, 5-gallon buckets, and cubic yard totes. For more information, visit, or call 541-580-5655 to schedule a pickup appointment.