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Smokejumpers & Ground Crews Respond to New Fires on the Umpqua National Forest

6:00 PM · Aug 18, 2022

Predicted lighting moved over the area late yesterday afternoon sparking several fires on the Umpqua National Forest. Multiple lightning strikes were received resulting in 10 smoke reports by nightfall, yesterday. Currently, Forest firefighting resources have staffed five confirmed fires as of this morning. Most of the new starts are in the North Zone (North Umpqua and Diamond Lake Ranger Districts) of the Forest. Smokejumpers and heli-rappellers were deployed last evening into the remote fires while engines and crews responded by way of Forest access roads. Helicopters were launched to provide water drops to support firefighters on the ground. Some scattered precipitation was received. Today, additional firefighting resources will be allocated to the new starts based on Forest priorities. Aerial detection flights, on the ground firefighting resources, and look-outs will continue to scout for additional starts throughout the day. Cloud cover is expected to reduce today’s forecasted temperatures while the chance of additional lightning remains. Via National Forest Service - Umpqua National Forest Roseburg – August 18, 2022, 9:00 am