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Summer Street Maintenance Starts Next Week in Roseburg

Maintenance to extend the life of about 2.2 miles of Roseburg streets is set to begin next week, weather permitting. The Roseburg Public Works Department asks vehicle owners to be sure to remove their vehicles from street sections scheduled and posted for maintenance to allow crews to complete the work. The Public Works Department has hired contractors to apply slurry seals to sections of street starting Thursday, Aug. 25. The work will be performed from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and is expected to be finished on Saturday, Aug. 27. Street sections should be finished within one day. Slurry seals combine a thin layer of gravel or “aggregate” with an asphalt emulsifier, and that is applied to a paved surface to help preserve and protect the underlying pavement structure and provide a new, smooth driving surface. “No parking” and “road closed” signs will be set out three days before each closure. Roads in neighborhoods accessible from Parker Road south of Newton Creek Road will have limited access on Friday, Aug. 26. Parking will only be available on Newton Creek Road for up to eight hours that day while nearby streets are slurry sealed. All the roads in that area will be slurry sealed in one day to minimize disruption to residents. All service providers including waste disposal, the U.S. Post Office, package delivery services, etc., have been notified and given road maintenance schedules so they can work around the maintenance schedule. Emergency responders will have complete access even when residents can’t use certain roads, according to Public Works Department staff. Certain other streets will be sealed on Saturday to lessen impact to businesses or organizations such as churches. “Public Works appreciates your patience with this project,” said Roseburg Public Works Director Dawn Easley. “Applying a slurry seal is a great way to keep good pavement in good condition and prevent expensive repairs in the future.” Residents who normally park their vehicles on streets scheduled for maintenance must remove those vehicles from the street before work starts so crews can apply the slurry seals. Advance notice will be given to every residence prior to scheduled start dates. Unfortunately, any vehicles found on those streets after the scheduled start date will be towed at the owner’s expense. Here are the street sections scheduled for maintenance: Thursday, Aug. 25, 2022 (tentative, weather permitting) · NW Calkins Avenue: From NW Troost Street to NW El Dorado Street · W Keady Court: From W Harvard Avenue to end of street · W Bertha Avenue: From W Stanton Street to W Elaine Avenue · W Elaine Avenue: From W Stanton Street to W Bertha Avenue · W Alpha Street: From W Fair Street to end of street Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 (tentative, weather permitting) · NW Calkins Avenue: From NW El Dorado Street to NW Keasey Street · NE Parker Road: From NE Newton Creek Road to end of street · NE Peggy Avenue: From NE Parker Road to end of street · Dobie Court: From Kirby Avenue to end of street · Kirby Avenue: From NE Parker Road to end of street · NE Carmen Street: From Kirby Avenue to end of street Saturday, Aug. 27, 2022 (tentative, weather permitting) · NW Kline Street: From NW Valley View Drive to NW Moore Avenue · NW Kline Street: From NW Garden Valley Boulevard to NW Valley View Drive · W Stanton Street: From W Harvard Avenue to 450 feet south of W Bertha Avenue For project updates, please follow the city’s social media channels on Facebook and Nextdoor, and visit the Public Works Department’s projects page on the city’s website. For more information, contact the Public Works Department at 541-492-6730 or Via City of Roseburg