Fall Creek Falls Hiking Trail East of Glide Has Reopened
12:33 AM · Jun 21, 2022After being closed since 2020 due to the Archie Creek Fire, the Fall Creek Falls recreation trail has reopened! The trailhead is 16.5 miles east of Glide and the hike is .9 miles long. A new bridge was installed at the trailhead to get over the creek and lots of trail work was done by volunteers including the Motley Trail crew. The hike itself is definitely different, but it's still very beautiful. The fire burned through the area very intensely, leading to the loss of almost all vegetation and trees. Over the past few years lots of vegetation has grown back and there are lots of trees starting to regrow. The rock formations along the hike are much more visible now and some of them are very cool to look at. There is no bathroom at the trailhead at the moment, but there is one just west at Susan Creek Campground.