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Firefighters Succeed in Fully Lining Poole Creek Fire

Yesterday, fire crews completed control lines all around the perimeter of the Poole Creek Fire. Last night, crews secured the control lines by burning a buffer of black against the advancing natural fire. Firefighters reported no hot spots or fires beyond the control lines resulting from the strategic firing operations. Today, firefighters will work to keep the fire within the control lines and deepen mop up toward the fire’s interior. Holding crews will be stationed along the fire control lines to put out any fires beyond the lines. Other crews will be mopping up—mop up is a methodical process of putting the fire completely out. All 19 fires in the Complex are now fully lined and 16 are 100% contained. Incident Commander Joe Hessel said, “This is quite an accomplishment in just two weeks’ time. Now, we shift from chasing and catching these fires to mopping up so they will be fully secured for the local fire district when we leave.” With the success of control efforts on the Poole Creek Fire, structural firefighters with the Oregon Office of the State Fire Marshal are expected to return to their home units on Sunday. Fire teams managing the Skyline Ridge and Devil’s Knob complexes will host a joint in-person community meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Tiller Fire Station. The event will be an opportunity for community members to hear the most recent status on both complexes. The meeting will be outdoors with social distancing protocols in place. Skyline Ridge Complex latest numbers Acres burned - 5,271 Containment - 33% Via Incident Command