Jack Fire Continues Slow Growth; Containment At 15%
The Jack fire growth has continued to slow, growing only 1,262 acres to 13,795 acres. Containment is at 15% Tuesday morning according to Incident Command. Crews have been making good progress on holding and securing containment lines. Fire information: The Jack Fire is currently estimated at 13,795 acres and is 15% contained. The increase in acres is within the planned control lines. North of HWY 138, firefighters continue to make good progress to strengthen, hold and secure containment lines in the northern and eastern portions of the fire. Mop-up continues along the perimeter of the fire. Crews continue burning vegetation along containment lines moving south towards Dry Creek and north to connect with lines established along the 4713 Road. In the Dry Creek area, crews plan to complete work burning vegetation around the structures to prevent fire encroachment. South of HWY 138, crews have established anchor points on the western and eastern flanks. Working from the anchor points near Twin Lakes, crews are utilizing trails, roads, and hand lines to hold the fire near Calf Creek. On the western perimeter of the fire, crews are holding the line and will continue to burn vegetation where necessary to prevent fire spread east of the 4714 road. On the southern-most edge of the fire, resources continue to prepare containment lines while also scouting for control line options closer to the fire’s active front. Structures: Oregon State Fire Marshal’s Task Forces have demobilized and delegation of authority transferred back to Douglas Forest Protective Association. Structures have been prepped, structure protection enhance and will be monitored by DFPA and NW Team 9. Aviation: Air assets continue to provide ground resources with water and retardant drops to limit the spread of the fire and to help establish and hold containment lines. Aviation and fire crews coordinate with resource advisors to protect area water resources, reduce spread of invasive species and minimize impacts of fire suppression tied to water and retardant drops. Evacuations: All Forest Service campgrounds (Apple Creek, Horseshoe Bend and Eagle Rock) are on Level 3 evacuation GO order. The Dry Creek community as well as all residences on the Illahee Road are also in Level 3 evacuation GO order. Level 2 SET evacuations were issued from mile marker 38 to 43. This includes Steamboat Inn and residences located on Brindle Bug Road, Steelhead Caddis Road, and residences and businesses located between mile post 51 and 55 on Highway 138E. Please visit the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office interactive evacuation map: www.dcso.com/evacuations Closures: State highway 138E from Steamboat Creek to mile post 55 is closed to vehicle traffic. Steamboat Inn is also closed. Oregon Department of Transportation has set an eastside ‘soft closure’ checkpoint at Lemolo Lake junction to allow for local access into nearby recreation areas, including Lemolo Lake. Please visit https://tripcheck.com/ for updates on road closures. The Umpqua National Forest has issued an area closure around the Jack Fire. The full closure order and map can be viewed on InciWeb or at https://go.usa.gov/xGJSE. Weather: Temperatures again in the 90’s today with relative humidity at 20%. Winds will be light from the east northeast in morning, changing west northwest in afternoon, with gusts up to 15 miles per hour.