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Jack Creek Fire Grows To 1,500 Acres

3:02 AM · Jul 7, 2021

The Jack Creek Fire grew 600 acres Tuesday and now sits at 1,500 acres. Fires from previous years might already be helping limit the spread of this fire. First, you have last year's Archie Creek Fire right next to it to the SW. Then you have the 2017 Happy Dog Fire to the NE. Finally there is the 2002 Apple Fire to the south. Here is the fire update from Tuesday morning if you missed it: https://www.roseburgtracker.com/posts/60e4962ce01a4700043bcf4b Current evacuation map: https://dcor.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=c1c9e876f2ed4e1fbfb2eae280b7c57c More information will be shared as it becomes available. Map via: https://mappingsupport.com/p2/gissurfer.php?center=43.322242,-122.677460&zoom=13&basemap=ESRI_scanned_topo_USA&overlay=VIIRS_24_hours,MODIS_24_hours,State_boundary,Wildland_fire_name,Historic_perimeters,ESRI_roads_and_labels&txtfile=https://mappingsupport.com/p2/special_maps/disaster/USA_wildland_fire.txt