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Douglas County Drought Update

10:47 PM · May 17, 2021

Drought conditions continue to worsen in Douglas County and across the state of Oregon. Oregon had the second driest March and April dating back to 1895. Unfortunately, drought conditions are predicted to get much worse in the months to come. Current snow water equivalents are now down to 27% of normal. Here are some of the impacts listed by the drough.gov website: "The Significant Wildland Fire Potential Outlook shows higher chances of wildfire potential east of the Cascade crest throughout Oregon and into southwest Washington by June and July. Impacts are being felt across the region with poor pasture and rangeland conditions, reduced irrigation, more spring season fires than previous years, poor crop conditions, and the need to haul water or move livestock out of drought-impacted areas." For more information, as well as drought maps and charts visit the drought.gov website here: https://www.drought.gov/drought-status-updates/drought-status-update-pacific-northwest