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City of Roseburg Wraps Up Another Year of Leaf Collections

(City of Roseburg) Roseburg OR – Roseburg OR – The City of Roseburg Public Works Department has wrapped up another successful Leaf Collection Program. The program, which runs annually from November to early January, is a service provided by the City to ensure that leaves are collected and disposed of properly. A total of 110 loads of leaves were picked up by Public Works crews last fall. Of those loads, 26 were delivered to residents that requested leaves for their yards. The remaining 84 were disposed of safely by staff. Over 788 hours were logged by Public Works crews during the program. The total cost of the program, including staff time, equipment costs and disposal fees, is just shy of $75,000, making it a fine example of public tax dollars at work. Public Works Director, Brice Perkins, comments on the program. “This is a great program that the City offers to our community every fall,” said Perkins. “But it is only as successful as the residents who participate in it. That’s why we want to thank all of the residents who participated last fall. Keeping our streets, sidewalks, and storm drains clear of leaves not only helps protect our public assets but also prolongs their useful life.” The City Leaf Collection Program will start back up in November 2021. The leaf collection route typically begins in Laurelwood and then moves in a clockwise direction throughout the town. The entire process takes four to six weeks, depending on the volume of leaves picked up. For more information about the Leaf Collection Program, please contact our Public Works Department at or 541-492-6730. Via City of Roseburg Release