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Roseburg City Council Meeting Synopsis – January 11, 2021

1. Mayor Rich delivered the State of the City Message. 2. Mayor Rich appointed the following Commission Chairs: Airport Councilor Sheila Cox Economic Development Councilor Brian Prawitz Historic Resources Review Councilor Beverly Cole Library Councilor Andrea Zielinski Parks and Recreation Councilor Alison Eggers Public Works Councilor Bob Cotterell Mayor Rich appointment Councilors Cole and Sipos to serve on the MedCom Board. Councilor Cotterell was appointed to continue as the Veteran Services Liaison. 3. Council made the following Commission appointments: Airport Daniel Sprague Budget Committee Knut Torvik, Bob Scott and Bryan Sykes Economic Development Don Baglien and Michael Widmer Historic Resource Review Bentley Gilbert, Stephanie Giles and Lisa Gogal Library Marcia Belzner and Kelly Peter Parks and Recreation Ryan Finlay and Diana Wales Public Works Fred Dayton Jr. 4. Mayor Rich appointed the following to the Homeless Commission: Adapt Gregory Brigham UCAN Shawn Pritchard Aviva Health KC Bolton Umpqua Health Alliance Brent Eichman At-Large Shelley Briggs-Loosley At-Large Mike Fieldman Received public comments from Betsy Callaghan, Betsy Cunningham, Ruth Smith, Jamie Sanchez, Daniel Oquendo and Christian Avana asking Council to postpone appointments and to consider opening the two at-large positions for public applications. 5. Adopted Resolution No. 2021-01, entitled, “A Resolution Declaring a State of Emergency Due to the Continuing COVID-19 Pandemic,” to expire on March 3, 2021. 6. Appointed Councilor Cotterell to act as the 2021 City Council President. 7. Approved the December 14, 2020 City Council Meeting Minutes. 8. Recommended approval of the OLCC Change of Owner application for Burton PNW LLC dba Grocery Outlet Inc. located at 930 W Harvard Avenue in Roseburg, Oregon. 9. Adopted Ordinance No. 3546, entitled, “An Ordinance Amending a portion of the City’s Zoning Map from R10 (Low Density Residential) to R7.5 (Single-Family Residential.” 10. Michele Clark shared concerns regarding numerous homeless camps in Roseburg and along riverbanks, trash in the river and safety concerns for children and families trying to use the trails in town. 11. Ordinance No. 3547, entitled, “An Ordinance Amending Subsection 7.02.100(A), Prohibited Camping, of the Roseburg Municipal Code,” was read for the first time.