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Nearly 500k Trees Donated to Help Replant Forests Impacted By Local Wildfires

Almost 500k trees have been donated by the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest and the Arbor Day Foundation to help with wildfire restoration. Here is the announcement from U.S. Forest Service - Umpqua National Forest today: "Exciting news! The Umpqua National Forest will be adopting thousands of tree seedlings, who will find their permanent homes on our forest this spring. Thank you to the J. Herbert Stone Nursery, on the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest, and the Arbor Day Foundation for donating these seedlings! We plan to plant them throughout the North Umpqua, Diamond Lake, and Tiller Ranger Districts. These seedlings have been donated for the purpose of wildfire restoration on lands impacted by the 2017 Umpqua North Complex, 2018 Columbus Fire, and 2020 Archie Creek Fire. Nearly 500,000 Ponderosa Pine, Sugar Pine, Western White Pine, Douglas-Fir, and Incense Cedar are being donated! Can you believe that?! These baby trees are bringing hope after a devastating fire season. They will help demonstrate how resilient our landscapes are by bringing life after severe damage. Projects like this assist with soil erosion control, fish and wildlife habitat, restoring critical tree species and improving water quality. All these things benefit not only our forests but our communities as well. In the meantime, please follow along as we provide updates on these seedling’s journey to their new homes. Stay tuned as we further discuss the ecological and communal benefits of this project, which will show the resiliency of our forests and communities."