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27th Annual Festival of Trees Aims to Deliver a Ray of Hope to Those in Need

Amidst a year of difficulty, the 27th Annual Festival of Trees aims to deliver a ray of hope to those in need by supporting Mercy Foundation programs. This year’s Festival will look different but will offer a week-long virtual experience running November 27–December 5, 2020, to support Mercy Foundation programs. People can check out the trees available along with other items up for bidding on Mercy's online auction website to start bidding on November 27. Through the pandemic the most disenfranchised families and their children, now more than ever need help. The Mercy Foundation believes “Every Kid Counts” and the Festival of Trees puts that principles into action with the various programs that stem from the giving that takes place at the annual event. Since the Festival of Trees was launched 27 years ago, the event has raised over $5.5 million to directly support children’s health care programs and providing much needed community outreach. The results of the community’s investment in youth are healthier children who are better prepared to learn in school. Programs for youth and their families include: -Improving dental health through school-based preventative care and health education in 38 schools through the Healthy Kids Outreach Program (HKOP) dental initiative -Supporting HKOP School Resource RNs working in concert with OSU Extensions, SNAP ED program to teach health, hygiene and nutrition education and encourage kids to get more physical activity and less screen time -Assisting families with children who have medical needs requiring specialized medical equipment and/or medication or out-of-area travel to see a specialist -Helping our Douglas County schools and other service organization with special projects like placing washer and dryers in 38 schools; providing backpacks filled with school supplies; hygiene products, and lice shampoo to name a few -Teaching life skills such as anti-bullying, healthy relationships and positive communications -Keeping our most vulnerable safe through child abuse and human trafficking prevention programs -Supporting youth with Type 1 diabetes and their families by providing education, resources, and peer-to-peer support The impact that the Festival of Trees has on kids and families has improved the lives of many in a variety of ways. The community’s generosity has touched thousands of local kids being free from the pain of tooth decay or being able to receive treatment for a serious health condition. Now more than ever, the Mercy Foundation believes “every kid counts” and that the Festival of Trees can have its biggest impact this year when it’s needed most. To view the auction click here: To view pictures, descriptions and items on each tree visit: