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Douglas County School Raises Money For Two Families That Lost Everything

6:10 PM · Nov 5, 2020

(UVC) A month ago, two Glide families were among many that received an awful “trick” in the form of devastating fires, but now they are going to be getting a terrific “treat” . . . over $5,500 each! Umpqua Valley Christian School, located on the edge of Glide at the old Deer Creek Elementary campus will be the ones delivering the generous treat to the two families that lost everything in the recent fires. Tami Stiles, the UVC teacher in charge of Leadership at the school, chose the two families. Stiles and her husband Greg (pastor of Glide Baptist), were very involved with Glide families during the evacuation, and that’s how they came upon these two families. The families aren’t affiliated with UVC or Glide Baptist, they are simply in need. While Spirit Week at UVC included lots of activities, from dress up days to action packed assemblies to help bolster Monarch Pride, one of the highlights was the fundraiser. An email went out to families explaining the opportunity to show our Christian Spirit by blessing these families, and the fundraiser took on a life of its own. It was kicked-off with a $5000 donation by a generous UVC family that remained anonymous. The staff and students were then challenged to match that gift. The dimes and dollars started pouring in. Two fourth graders approached the school’s administration with the idea of creating and selling plastic bracelets for .50 and $1.00 with all of the proceeds going towards the fundraiser. They made and sold over 200 during lunch, recess and online for a solid week, donating over $350! Another student, a 5th grader, went into her savings and declared to her father that she wanted to donate $125 of her own money. Her father agreed, saying he would pay her back. The 11 year old wanted nothing of the sort. She wanted to give because she knew it was the right thing to do. Dad matched his daughter’s generous gift. Not to be out-done, the 12th graders spent several hours collecting and then cashing in hundreds of dollars of cans and bottles. The seniors led the way in the fundraising effort by collecting almost $2000. The fundraiser ended with UVC coming up $138 short of the $10,000 goal. A great effort indeed, and what a blessing to the families, but the goal was not met. So the school’s bookkeeper was contacted about using some discretionary funds to make up the difference. “Keep your money,” he said. “I’ll cover it.” The fundraiser ended on October 27th but apparently, it wasn’t over in God’s eyes! More money trickled in over the next couple of days and then the grand finale . . . $1500 in gift cards were dropped off by a local investment firm! Wow! The money will be evenly distributed this next week by Stiles, and while the two unsuspecting families will certainly be blessed, UVC students will have the wonderful memory of being able to show their giving spirit. A terrific Spirit Week indeed. Story shared by George Graham, UVC Superintendent