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Roseburg City Leaf Collection Program Now Available

(City of Roseburg) Starting today, November 2, 2020, the City of Roseburg Public Works Department is beginning its Leaf Collection Program. Residents who would like to participate in the program should pile their leaves neatly in front of their property. Each fall, in early November, Public Works crews go throughout the City to pick up leaves from residents. This service is provided free of charge by the City to ensure that leaves are collected and disposed of properly. “We provide this service every fall as a way to help our residents with leaf removal, and to make sure our streets and public right of way are free of leaves,” says Brice Perkins, Public Works Director. “If not removed, leaves can clog gutters and storm drains, which can cause flooding during rainstorms. To avoid this, we encourage residents to please remove their leaves promptly. We can assist residents through this program.” The leaf collection route begins in Laurelwood and then moves in a clockwise direction throughout town. The entire process takes approximately four to six weeks, depending on the quantity of leaves picked up. Residents who participate in the program must have their leaves piled in front of their property prior to pick up. Prior to pick up, the City urges resident to please keep the following in mind: All leaves must be neatly piled in front of your property. Make sure that leaf piles are free of debris, such as tree branches and rocks. Refrain from piling leaves in street gutters, ditches, bikes lanes, near parked cars, or on top of catch basins. City crews will not pick up any other items besides leaves. Residents who wish to have leaves delivered to their property must contact the Public Works Department. The minimum amount of leaves delivered is one dump truck load, which is approximately five to six cubic yards. Once delivered, the leaves become the requestor’s responsibility. The Leaf Collection Program ends in January 2021. For more information, please contact our Public Works Department at or 541-492-6730.