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Wayfinding Project in Stewart Park to Have Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Friday

(City of Roseburg) The City of Roseburg has partnered with the Blue Zones Project to create wayfinding signage along the multi-use path in Stewart Park. Two brand new kiosks will be installed at the Train and the Duck Pond this week. Join us for a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the Train in Stewart Park at 4 pm on Friday, October 30th! Following the short ceremony, there will be a short group walk from the Train to the second kiosk Duck Pond. In the spirit of a safe celebration, there will be grab and go refreshments and giveaways! Due to state requirements, social distancing measures and masks will be required to attend the event. The new signage will help users of the pathway find their way around the park as well as the connecting pathways in the area. Installing new wayfinding signage in Stewart Park next to the locomotive engine and the Natural Area Pond promotes healthy lifestyle choices, such as biking, walking, running, and other recreational activities. Blue Zones is proud to be working with the City to promote health and wellness throughout Roseburg! Join us to commemorate this Marquee Project!