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Aviva Health Distributing Produce Boxes To Patients in the Community

Aviva Health has been distributing produce boxes every other Saturday as part of grant funding Aviva received in March to support patients experiencing food insecurities due to economic hardships people have been going through the past several months. Kyrsten Kempke and Dr. Chip Taylor have been helping lead the program for Aviva that provides produce boxes to patients at five different clinics in Douglas County. “Each of the boxes is about $30 worth of produce that were giving away for free,” Kempke who is MA Scribe for Dr. Taylor said. “We did get a grant from UHA to give 100 boxes out every other week for 10 weeks. We’re trying to get people to be able to eat who might not be able to afford it. We’re trying to build a healthier community.” The next delivery is Saturday, October 31, and the final day of the program is November 14, 2020. Lehne Farms of Roseburg has been growing the produce that is being handed out at the clinics. “I have had family that probably doesn’t eat as healthy as they should, I’ve had a lot of family that has had a lot of health issues,” Kempke said. “Eating healthy is definitely one of the ways to counteract some of the health problems that people have.” Boxes are delivered to each Aviva clinic in Roseburg, Sutherlin, Glide, Drain, and Myrtle Creek from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. for the recipients to pick-up at the various clinic locations.