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Phase II Reopening – City of Roseburg Reopens Sunshine Park

1:09 AM · Jun 6, 2020

The City of Roseburg Parks and Recreation Division is pleased to announce the Phase II reopening of certain park and recreational facilities and activities. This includes the reopening of Sunshine Park starting on Friday, June 5, 2020. Public Works Director Brice Perkins comments on the Phase II reopening. “The City wants to thank everyone for their patience and understanding,” says Perkins. “With the Governor approving Douglas County for Phase II reopening, we are excited to allow more recreational opportunities for our residents. However, we will be implementing changes so that we remain in compliance with the State’s guidelines.” Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Roseburg Parks & Recreation Department has made every effort to keep its park system open and available, with only one park closure at Sunshine Park. There have been a number of restrictions on specific activities within our parks as required by the various executive orders and related guidance issued by the Governor’s office. The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) has issued sector guidance documents that outline requirements for keeping Oregonians healthy and safe as we begin Phase II. Under that guidance, the following impacted facilities/activities will reopen: • Sunshine Park will open. • Baseball and softball play may resume. • The half shell cover will be assembled. • The skate park will open. • Pavilions will open with restrictions. The status of restrooms throughout the park system will vary, where restrooms remain closed, portable toilets will be provided where practical. Unfortunately, not every restriction has been lifted. According to the Governor’s orders and OHA sector guidance: • Soccer and football are prohibited. • Basketball and volleyball are prohibited – pending further guidance. • Playgrounds and the splash pad will remain closed. • Water fountains will be shut off. Staff will continue to monitor future guidance and make adjustments as needed. Leagues, coaches and trainers are advised that the OHA guidance places requirements on them regarding size of group, physical distancing, cleaning of shared equipment, limiting the number of spectators, etc. Guidance documents can be found at https://govstatus.egov.com/OR-OHA-COVID-19. For more information, please contact the City Public Works Department at 541-492-6730 or email pwd@cityofroseburg.org Via City of Roseburg Release