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Recreational razor clamming opens on North Coast

(ODFW) SALEM, Ore.—The Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) announce the opening of razor clam harvesting on the north Oregon coast. Recreational and commercial razor clam harvesting is now open from the Columbia River to Tillamook Head (south of Seaside). Recent samples taken from the area indicate the marine biotoxin domoic acid has dropped below the closure limit. Recreational and commercial razor clam harvesting remains closed from Tillamook Head to the California border for elevated levels of domoic acid toxin. Bay clams, crab and mussel harvesting are open along the entire Oregon coastline. For more information, call ODA's shellfish safety information hotline at (800) 448-2474 or visit the ODA Recreational Shellfish Biotoxin Closures webpage.