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Plastic Bag Ban Goes Into Effect in Oregon on Jan 1st

1:14 AM · Dec 28, 2019

Starting Jan 1st, 2020 stores will no longer be allowed to provide single use plastic bags for shoppers. Instead, shoppers can bring their own bags, or purchase paper bags for 5 cents a piece, or purchase reusable plastic or fabric bags. Restaurants will still be allowed to provide a paper bag without a charge. It can take hundreds of years for plastic bags to decompose. For more on the Plastic Bag bill, you can read the bill at the link below. https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2019R1/Downloads/MeasureDocument/HB2509/Enrolled


Personally, I'm happy about it. I'm sick of seeing plastic bags dumped everywhere in our city, streams and rivers. This will definitely increase reusable bag use which will be much less likely to be dumped all over our city as they will actually cost money.

Dec 28, 2019

I agree . There are many more plastics that need to go.

Dec 30, 2019